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Windows, macOS and Nintendo Switch
Negative Nancy is a choose your “no” adventure for people who have had enough. An interactive sitcom where you can only say “no” (or nothing at all). Your choices control the story.
You are Nancy, a retail clerk who can only say “no!” You work a terrible job at Megamart with your best friend, but most of the time that’s the least of your problems. Annoying StreamTubers, delusional bosses, and angry customers... if they want to take you on they'll have to get in line!
Play as Nancy in a short game with four unique, branching stories. Help Nancy express herself by navigating tense and delicate situations.
Follow Negative Nancy
Be negative!
Say “no” to anyone, at any time, for any reason. -
An interactive sitcom
Play as Nancy in four unique, deeply branching stories. Help Nancy express herself by navigating tense and delicate situations. -
Real conversations
All the fun of working retail with none of the pay. You’ll be solving crimes, serving customers, making and losing friends—just like real life!